
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Look! A picture!

I just posted a picture on the side of one of my most recent photos.  It was taken with a Kodak 8 Mega-pixel Digital Camera.  I did some adjustments in Photoshop to bring the colors out a little bit more.  This picture was taken on Easter Sunday at Lover's Key State Park in Bonita Beach.  My mom told me about some dried up trees by the shore and one was also torn down with its roots up in the air making it look like a flower.  She wanted me to take the photos and I went over there with her as she asked.  It was one hell of walk with the sun beating down on us (thankfully I had sunscreen).  I have a series of the photos which I am currently posting on Flickr, after some adjustments I will post more on there and a link so people can see more.

Monday, April 25, 2011

My new blog

Well, this is my first and ever blog.  I've had different accounts in the past (i.e. Live Journal, MySpace, etc).  But have never really used them.  This is going to be my attempt to post my art, photography, and digital designs and see what people think.  I'm not sure how often I will be able to update this but do hope to post frequently.  I've started picking up drawing again, I was influenced by Artist/ Illustrator Sanford Greene at MegaCon this year in March 2011.  Having a conversation with him and examining some of my early work he inspired me to get back to drawing. I was so excited by his comments of my sketchbook that I drew him a sketch that night and gave it to him the next day.  Right now I've been focused on my Film Photography and finishing up my profile for my class.  But when I have somewhat "decent" artwork I will post it. Here's to that step forward towards the future, perhaps it will be a good idea to tell people about my blog....hmmm.