This is a continuation from my previous post, I recently talked about some of my favorite games from past to current. And even choosing those was difficult seeing as I have so many games that I can list. But now this part of the post is to showcase some current images that I have created. Being an Art Student I spend lots of time sketching or creating some kind of art. I've dabbled in photography, screenprinting, digital art, sculpture to printmaking. But one thing that I've always enjoyed as a medium is pencil, marker and ink. I love to draw and always have. I still have various sketchbooks filled with doodles, sketches and pieces of work. I'm an avid user of the website and many of the subreddits it has to offer. The most recent subreddit that has caught my intrigue this summer is r/redditgetsdrawn. Where users submit photos of themselves, friends, significant others or family members; and request other users to put their artistic abilities to use and create various works for art for them. So naturally I've begun to submit some of work and see if the OP (Original Poster) likes my work or not.
One of the most recent ones I made was one where a user wanted to be drawn as a mermaid and even drawn swimming with whales. So I referenced the photos she provided to create her as a mermaid swimming down towards a whale. She was very pleased with the results and I'm glad I made her happy.
And just tonight I've decided to draw a friend of mine. This is not a request but I felt motivated to draw her. I decided to keep it minimal and just use pencil and ink/ brush. She has yet to see it and hopefully she is flattered by the work. And just a little secret (it's for her birthday).
That's all I have for tonight. Enjoy reading my post and taking a look of my recent work that I've done. As always, constructive criticism is appreciated and don't forget to follow me on instagram @thabmg60 as well as my twitter @thabmg60.
Looking back at video games and what two games I've enjoyed the most, it took me some deep thought of what games I've truly enjoyed. Hell I've been playing games since the days of the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), I remember my parents got me the deluxe package set that had the console, two controllers, zapper light gun, and Super Mario Bros/ Duck Hunt game package.
So from Nintendo, to Playstation, to Dreamcast, To Xbox and PC and next Gen; I have a large library of games to choose from. But I would have to say one of the games I have enjoyed would have to be Final Fantasy VII for the Playstation (PSX/ PS1). When it came out it was a digital masterpiece, with cutting edge 3D graphics, cutscenes and battle play system that included limit breaks with fancy cutscenes along with various animations for characters and monsters. The story that started off with a bunch of eco-terrorists tryong to stop a massive corporation, to find a group of powered individuals who are now chosen to save the world from mass destruction. I spent countless hours playing the game and running through the main story plot, then going back to attempting to find all the secret weapons, items, materia, chocobo's and any other little easter eggs that they threw into that game. And with rumors always spreading of a reboot, it just boost my nostaglia for this game even more. I still actually play it from time to time on my pc now, granted the graphics are outdated, but I enjoy so much that it never bothers me.
And looking back at another video game franchise, I can't help but think of a more current game that has sucked out endless hours from me. This game, I have developed a love/ hate relationship with it to be honest. There have been times where I just want to give up, uninstall it and forget about it. But then there are times I enjoy every minute of the action involved in this game. I am talking about Defense of the Ancients 2 or DOTA 2 for short. DOTA 2 is the sequel to the MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) mod that spawned from the Warcraft 3 game for PC. It's a multiplayer game where you are teamed up with four other players, from there you choose your hero/ champion each with different abilities and powers as you attempt to defend your towers and base from the opposing team, along with trying to attack and destroy theirs. I can probably go on for hours about this game, but I'd rather not. If you have ever played similar games such as League of Legends, then you'll know what I'm talking about. But for now, here is the cinematic trailer.
As usual I forget about my blog until I realize I actually have one. And with my current class for Game Design on assignment was to make a blog and upload a video. This is that assignment, using my current blog which I haven't updated in more than nine months (and no, there is no child). Here is a just a video introducing everyone to my blog and you get to see my ugly mug. I took this small video while at my overnight job, which I have been doing for the past 14 months now. I will be posting more content very soon and hope y'all enjoy it.